Category Archives: Resources

A Graphic Ethnography and Ethnographic Cartooning Bibliography

Compiled by the Ethnographic Cartooning Roundtable

Afonso, Isabel and M. J. Ramos. “New graphics for old stories. Representation of local memories through drawings.” Working Images: Visual Research and Representation in Ethnography. Eds. Pink, L. Kürti, and A. I. Afonso. Routledge London. 2004. Pp. 72-90.

Atkins, Michael. The Dark Side of the Village. Nd. (Accessed 2018-04-26).

Bartoszko, Aleksandra,  Anne Birgitte Leseth and Marcin Ponomarew. Public Space, Information Accessibility, Technology and Diversity at Oslo University College. 2010. (Accessed 2019-09-19).

Causey, Andrew. “’You’ve got to draw it if you want to see it’: Drawing as an Ethnographic Method.” Teaching Culture. 2015. as-an-ethnographic-method/. (Acessed 2018-04-26).

Causey, Andrew. Drawn to See: Drawing as an Ethnographic Method. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019.

Chute, Hilary. Disaster Drawn: Visual Witness, Comics, and Documentary Form. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2016.

Cleto, Sara and Erin Kathleen Bahl. 2017. Interview with Erin Kathleen Bahl.

Colloredo-Mansfeld, Rudi. “The Value of Sketching in Field Research.” Anthropology UCLA. 16 (1) (1993).

Colloredo-Mansfeld, Rudi. “Space Line and Story in the Invention of an Andean Aesthetic.” Journal of Material Culture. 16 (1) (2011): 3-23.

Crowther, Gillian. “Fieldwork Cartoons.” Cambridge Journal of Anthropology. 14 (2) (1990): 57-68.

Crowther, Gillian. “Fieldwork Cartoons Revisited.” Teaching Culture. 2015. (Accessed 2018-04-26.)

Dix, Benjamin, Reminder Kaur and Linsay Pollock. “Drawing-Writing Culture: The Truth-Fiction Spectrum of an Ethno-Graphic Novel on the Sri Lankan Civil War and Migration” Visual Anthropology Review, Vol. 35, Issue 1. 2019. pp. 76–111.

Galman, Sally. “The truthful messenger: visual methods and representation in qualitative research in education.” Qualitative Research 9 (2) (2009): 197-217.

Hamdy, Sherine, Coleman Nye, Sarula Bao and Caroline Brewer. Lissa: A Story about Medical Promise, Friendship, and Revolution. New York: University of Toronto Press, 2017.

Hendrickson, Carol. “Visual Fieldnotes: Drawing Insights in the Yucatan.” Visual Anthropology Review, 24 (2) (2008): 117-132.

Hendrickson, Carol. Ethno-Graphics: “Keeping Visual Field Notes in Vietnam. Expedition,” The Magazine of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 52 (1) (2010): 31-39.

Hendrickson, Carol. “Drawing Insights in Vietnam,” Education About Asia. 20 (3) (2015): 64-66.

Hendrickson, Carol. “Drawing in the Dark: Seeing, Not Seeing, and Anthropological Insight.” Anthropology and Humanism, Vol. 44, Issue 2. 2019. pp 198–213

Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika. 2016a. “Chatting While Water Skiing, Pt. 1.” Teaching Culture. (Accessed 2019-12-10).

Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika. 2016b. “Chatting While Water Skiing, Pt. 2.” Teaching Culture. (Accessed 2019-12-10).

Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika. 2016c. “Chatting While Water Skiing, Pt. 3.” Teaching Culture. (Accessed 2019-12-10).

Ingold, Tim. (Ed.). Redrawing Anthropology. London: Routledge, 2011.

Kuttner, Paul J., Nick Sousanis and Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower. “How to Draw Comics the Scholarly Way: Creating Comics-Based Research in the Academy.” Handbook of Arts-Based Research. Ed. Leavy, Patricia, 396-422. New York: Guilford Press, 2018.

Open Door Clinic, Vermont Folklife Center, UVM Extension Bridges to Health, UVM Anthropology, and Marek Bennett’s Comics Workshop. n.d. The Most Costly Journey.

Pigg, Stacy Leigh and Cristina Moretti. 2014. Comics and the Ethnographic Imagination.

Taussig, Michael. I Swear I Saw This. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011.

Vermont Humanities Council. “After the Crossing.” Before Your Time Podcast.

Wadle, Hannah. “Anthropology goes Comics.” Comics Forum. 2012. Last accessed 2020-01-06.

Walrath, Dana. Aliceheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Through the Looking Glass. Penn State University Press, 2016.

Wright, Lucy. “Ethnographics.” 2018. Last accessed 2020-01-07.

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Centre for Imaginative Ethnography!

““What is the place of graphic anthropology in the larger field of graphic non-fiction and graphic journalism?”

A wonderful question from the folks at the Centre for Imaginative Ethnography, and one I’ve wondered about myself for the last several years.

Not being an anthropologist (folklorists don’t count as such) I tend to think more in terms of “comics ethnography” or maybe even “graphic ethnography,” but that’s not a beef at all.

I was very excited to come across their site, in particular their Drawings section–with work form Sally Campbell Galman no less!

I’m even attempting to join.

I’m a joiner.


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